Online Press Info & Photos
for Patrick Reynolds’ lecture clients
Scroll down for family photos & other art. Videos at bottom.
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310.577.9828 / cell 310.880.1111
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To download high-resolution photos,
click links under each thumbnail photo below.
All photos on this page that say “No permission required” may
be reproduced without further permission and are licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Attributions for photos are noted below each image,
with links to high-res files also below.
Patrick Reynolds, September, 2020
No permission required, credit Michael Helms
Click link below for high-resolution file
2.4 MB
Patrick Reynolds, September, 2020
No permission required, credit Michael Helms
Click link below for high-resolution file
2.1 MB
Patrick Reynolds, September, 2020
No permission required, credit Michael Helms
Click link below for high-resolution file
2.1 MB
Patrick Reynolds in September, 2020
No permission required, credit Michael Helms
Click link below for high-resolution file
2 MB
Patrick Reynolds’ editorials and print news coverage
Statements of support by well known Americans
Client feedback on Mr. Reynolds’ speaking
The Gilded Leaf by Patrick Reynolds and Tom Shachtman
A memoir: Deaths from Smoking in the RJ Reynolds Family
STATISTICS FOR JOURNALISTS Suggested sidebar of tobacco facts for your article:
Your State’s Current Tobacco Report Card
Your State’s current spending on prevention and cessation, plus tobacco’s current toll in your State (Click on your State in the map of the US.)
DVD Press Kit
Press kit for Mr. Reynolds’ bestselling educational DVD,
The Truth About Tobacco
Anti-smoking LOGOS in high-resolution files
Photos of RJ Reynolds family members from
THE GILDED LEAF – Three Generations of the R.J. Reynolds Fortune and Family
by Patrick Reynolds and Tom Shachtman, Little Brown, 1989; currently iUniverse.
A few are included below.
Getty Image No: U1330-545
Getty Images, formerly Corbis, donated this photo and others to Mr. Reynolds’ Foundation for a Tobaccofree Earth (now Tobaccofree Earth), for use in his DVD and live talks.
AFTER: R.J. Reynolds, Jr., in 1962, age 56, terminally ill with emphysema caused by his lifelong smoking habit, here with his oxygen bottle, his nurse standing behind him. Taken during divorce proceedings against his third wife, Muriel Marston Greenough Reynolds, in Darien, Georgia. He remarried Annemarie Schmidt, and died in Switzerland in December, 1964.
R.J.REYNOLDS founded the RJ Reynolds tobacco company in 1875, and began manufacturing Camel cigarettes in 1913. He died in 1918 of cancer of the pancreas after a lifetime of chewing tobacco — ironically, the same product which established his fortune, and earlier, his father’s.
RJ did not marry until age 53, and died at age 67 when his eldest son, RJ Reynolds, Jr., was just 12. As a result, R.J. Jr. would never spend much time working in the tobacco business, nor would any of his siblings or any of their children.
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Patrick Reynolds, October, 2009
No permission required, credit Michael Helms
Click link below for high-resolution file
3.17 MB
Patrick Reynolds speaks to middle school students at Lake
Michigan College in Benton Harbor, Michigan, on April 15, 2011
No permission required, credit John Madill
See below for graphics design ideas for lecture promo posters.
Click links below for high resolution files
Patrick Reynolds speaks to middle school students at Lake
Michigan College in Benton Harbor, Michigan, on April 15, 2011
No permission required, credit John Madill
Click links below
for high resolution files
using these images
Graphics design ideas for promotional posters for university or community talks
Add black to all edges, superimpose copy, cigarette butt, as you wish.
See also the graphics layout in our hospitals brochure.
Patrick Reynolds speaks to middle school students at Lake Michigan College in Benton Harbor, Michigan, on April 15, 2011
No permission required, credit John Madill
Graphics design idea for lecture promo posters
Another idea is to add black to edges, and
superimpose cig butt with smoke, below.
Click link below
for high resolution files
AP Photo from June, 2012
Permission required, contact The Associated Press
Photo by Reed Saxon, AP Los Angeles
AP LA Photo, (213) 346-3140 or (213) 626-1200
Photo was taken for this AP story about California’s Prop 29,
a proposed $1 per pack State tax increase on tobacco. Reynolds was among
the advocates campaigning for the measure. It lost by just 38,000 votes, out of 5 million cast.
Patrick Reynolds speaks at the kickoff of
Greece’s anti-smoking campaign, April 28, 2009
No permission required, credit
See also: Greek news coverage in April, 2009
Proposal to Ministers of Health
for Mr. Reynolds to speak internatioally
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Patrick Reynolds at a school in 2005
No permission required, credit
Patrick Reynolds spoke in April, 2005, at a Chicago area high school (in Du Page, County, IL). He was on a five day speaking tour, jointly sponsored by Central DuPage Hospital, Alexian Brothers Hospital, Elmhurst Hospital, the Du Page County Health Dept, and the American Cancer Society of Illinois.
Patrick Reynolds
October 17, 2008 at La Grand (OR) High School
No permission required, credit: La Grande Observer
Patrick Reynolds talks with La Grande High senior Shawn McAdams during his presentation about the addictive nature of tobacco and its harmful effects.
Related news article
Click link below for high resolution file
Patrick Reynolds in 1992
No permission required, credit Tobaccofree.org4 x 6 jpg
Patrick Reynolds in 2006
No permission required, credit Dave Pflederer
Click links below for high resolution sizes
BEFORE: R.J. Reynolds, Jr. in 1946, age 40
No permission required, credit
BEFORE: Patrick’s father, R.J. Reynolds, Jr. in 1946, in good health at age 40. A Lieutenant-Commander in the Navy in WWII, he was navigator for a task force in the Pacific. He smoked since his teens, first Camels and later Winstons. Patrick Reynolds’ book, The Gilded Leaf, was published by Little, Brown in 1989. It tells the biography of three generations of the Reynolds family. Now out of print, it may be found at most libraries, used bookstores, or ordered through a book search by
Joe Chemo with an IV, with more Joes
standing in a hospital hallway
No permission required, credit
Joe Chemo in a hospital bed
No permission required, credit
Mr. Reynolds used this overhead in his DVD and live talks to youth.
No permission required for students and teachers.
Please contact for other usage.
Mr. Reynolds used this overhead in his DVD and live talks to youth.
No permission required, credit
A frame from the DVD, The Truth About Tobacco, with Patrick Reynolds
No permission required, credit
82k_(Has much more detail in audience area, but very small file)
892k jpg – Darker, much less detail in audience, made using the file above but not an improvement

The image above was created from the one in the box above. In one successful art design, it was superimposed with the image at left.
No permission required, credit
In the version for download below, the black area overhead was extended to create a vertical layout. The extra black area on top left room for poster copy, and matched the image at left when the two images were superimposed.
NOTE: The files below are 28 MB and 53MB TIFF files, and require a few minutes to download.

Crush-proof box
No permission required, credit
At artist Bonnie Vierthaler counters the seduction of tobacco ads by doctoring them up to make them honest. By juxtaposing silly, gross and disgusting images on top of tobacco ads, she jolts people into realizing how tobacco ad imagery is concealing the truth, manipulating young people into tobacco addiction. Best of all, at her site you can learn How to BADvertise yourself, using scissors and glue or a computer and mouse. Artist Bonnie Vierthaler’s email is

No permission required, credit

Photo: capgun
In Patrick Reynolds’ university lecture, one theme is the power of the tobacco lobby over Congress.
No permission required, credit

Ad by
No permission required, credit Adbusters.Org
Tel (800) 663-1243 or (604) 736-9401

January, 1990, Heart Corps Magazine cover.
Went out of business in the mid 1990’s, targeted heart disease.
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Patrick Reynolds in 1989, with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop at a meeting in Washington DC
No permission required, credit
Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop commented, “Patrick Reynolds is one of the nation’s most influential advocates of a Tobaccofree Earth. His testimony is invaluable to our society.” They met on May 3, 1989 in Washington, D.C.
In December, 2003, Dr. Koop issued this statement of support for Patrick Reynolds and the 501c3 non-profit group he runs, now known as Tobaccofree Earth.

Child Health 2000 Conference
No permission required, credit
Mr. Reynolds gave the keynote address on World No Tobacco Day, May 31, 1995, before the UN World Health Organization’s Child Health 2000 conference in Vancouver. Here, second from right, on a discussion panel following his talk. No permission required.
Marianne O’Brien Reynolds
No permission required, credit
Patrick’s mother, MARIANNE O’BRIEN REYNOLDS, in 1946, age 30, newly married to R.J. REYNOLDS, JR. In order to marry her, he paid $9 million to divorce his first wife. A former starlet under contract to Warner Brothers, Marianne began smoking around this time, because she thought it would please her husband. However, he was very unhapy about her taking up the habit, even though he smoked himself. Later she would suffer from angina and have two heart attacks. MArianne died in Miami in 1985 of a stomach aneurism.
Marianne in 1944, age 30
Photo by Bruno of Hollywood
No permission required, credit Bruno of Hollywood
Above: Marianne O’Brien, late 1944. When she opened her first letter from Dick Reynolds, out fell several hundred-dollar bills. Dick wrote her to have pictures taken of herself, mail him copies, and not to object, because “the money is better spent helping your career than moldering in some bank.”

More images and videos
RJ Reynolds tobacco family photos for Patrick Reynolds’ book, The Gilded Leaf
Images from Patrick Reynolds’ educational DVD for grades 6 – 12, The Truth About Tobacco, filmed in 2000
For info / photos of Tom Shachtman, see
TobaccofreeOrg’s You Tube channel
Patrick Reynolds Actor, YouTube Channel
Patrick’s mother, Marianne O’Brien: Clips from a 1942 film
Be An Elf, Christmas charity founded by Patrick Reynolds
Congress Majority PAC, founded by Patrick Reynolds in 2016
Contact:, Office Manager
Tel: 1 310-577-9828
Cell: 1 310 880-1111
email: See Contact page