Our FAQs page answers the questions we get asked most often. You’ll likely save time by taking a quick look before writing us. It covers:

  • Where you can get free quit smoking kits (available in many states, but not all)
  • What you can do about smoke from a neighbor’s apartment
  • A great research resource for students, journalists and the public
  • Where to find free printed materials for your health fair or event
  • And other frequently asked questions

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We don’t save the email addresses of people who contact us. If you’d like to join our fight against vaping and tobacco, please sign up below. 

To donate online, click on Donate below. You may also mail a check to this address:

Tobaccofree Earth
8117 West Manchester Ave Suite 500
Playa del Rey CA 90293-8745 USA

Office 1.310.577.9828

Newsmedia only – cell 310.880.1111

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