Red Ribbon Week begins October 23rd and runs through October 31st, 2005. It’s the best-known drug prevention event in America.

Tobacco is the most widespread and addictive drug used by youth today, and a proven gateway to other drugs. This video is a great way to raise awareness among students and empower them to stay tobacco free. The DVD or VHS, is available by ground or Priority mail (or overnight, if you call us. See bottom of page).


The Truth About Tobacco

A critically acclaimed educational video from

for 6th – 12th grade
Includes new film, graphics & images of e-cigarettes.

Teacher’s Discussion Guide included

Video order form

Order on

Brochure (4 pages)

Live assembly programs 
Hospitals often fully sponsor live talks

Russell Henke, Public Schools Evaluator of Health Education Materials, Montgomery County, Maryland:

“I have recently reviewed and evaluated a tobacco use prevention video that I would like to tell you about, The Truth about Tobacco, which features Patrick Reynolds. He is a grandson of RJ Reynolds, and a renowned tobacco prevention speaker at schools throughout the nation.

“This video, which shows a live talk to high school students by Mr. Reynolds, is a compelling and honest overview of the health problems caused by tobacco. The video is an excellent fit with our high school unit on tobacco, alcohol and other drugs. It meets all of our factual information objectives on tobacco use.

“It is the best and most up-to-date video on the topic of teen and adult tobacco use. It has no weaknesses. In my opinion, after viewing many similar videos, it is the best video available.

“As a result of our review and evaluation, we are purchasing this video for all of our high schools. We are also thinking of bringing Patrick Reynolds in to speak to our students ‘live’ and are now exploring getting sponsorship through the local County health department and/or our local hospitals. Evidently hospitals like cosponsoring, because he gets good local media coverage, which builds goodwill for them. I feel so positive about this program that I wanted to share this information with you.”

Russell Henke
Evaluator of Health Education materials
Montgomery County Public Schools
Montgomery County, Maryland 

“This video had a huge impact on my kids. I have shown it to all of my PE kids — 7th and 8th grade — and they were enthralled. I’ve never had 42 children in a portable classroom so quietly at the same time! We were so moved that many different activities stemmed from the viewing, and I am wrapping up the Tobacco unit with two days in our computer lab, going on a virtual field trip and taking a Webquest. I am grateful for this video.”

Carol Carey, PE teacher
Dartmouth Middle School
San Jose, CA

School Library Journal’s review

“Patrick Reynolds’ father died from the product that made the family fortune — cigarettes. In this program, Reynolds, grandson of tobacco company founder R.J. Reynolds and an anti-smoking advocate and renowned speaker, addresses a high school audience. His dynamic presentation is enlivened by videos, posters, and overhead slides. Amusing and effective take-offs of popular cigarette ads catch the audience’s attention… This production, with its humor and varied format, is a powerful reminder of all the reasons to avoid tobacco and a useful resource for drug/ tobacco education programs in middle and high schools.”

School Library Journal

A Safe and Drug Free Schools coordinator says:

The Truth About Tobacco is a powerful mix of great TV spots, live talk, photos, film clips, and excellent graphics. This video was so effective, we’re buying one for every school in our district. It will be an important part of our new tobacco education campaign. It should be in every middle and high school library.”

Linda Currier, Safe and Drug Free Schools
Drug Education Coordinator
Eagle Mountain-Saginaw School District, Fort Worth, TX

Key words - educational videos, anti-smoking, teen smoking, health videos, tobacco education videos, tobacco prevention, anti-tobacco, anti-smoking videos, anti-tobacco videos, teen, tobacco education, tobacco education and prevention, smoking, health education videos, health teachers, anti-smoking groups, American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, American Lung Association, advertising, anti smoking, antismoking, foundations, substance abuse, drug prevention, second hand smoke, health education, nicotine addiction, heroes, hero, role models, Great American Smokeout, lung cancer, mouth cancer, RJ Reynolds, chewing tobacco, tabaco, tabacco, tabac, Patrick Reynolds

The Truth about Tobacco

Teens call a magazine ad exec in one of the anti-smoking TV spots illustrating the new educational video.

With award-winning TV spots, film clips,
live talk, photos and anti-smoking graphics

The Truth About Tobacco is a multimedia presentation
which helps empower youth to stay tobacco free and drug free.

This video motivates and inspires students.

  • Emphasizes the addictiveness of nicotine
  • Opens students’ eyes to how tobacco advertising can manipulate teens
  • Includes new images of e-cigarettes
  • Creates a new perception of stars who glamorize smoking in TV and films
  • Motivates teens to resist peer pressure to smoke
  • Provides students with a formula for saying no, and gives clear examples
  • Empowers students to also make responsible choices about drugs and alcohol
  • INITIATION Reynolds offers youth his unique initiation into life.
  • Stresses the importance of talking about problems, and not isolating (especially useful for at risk students)
  • Studies show that today’s teens have significantly increased worries and doubts about the future. Mr. Reynolds believes this is a significant factor in teen smoking and drug use. To address this, he includes a section near the end which aims to strengthen their faith in the future. “Catch my faith that there are wondrous times ahead. You’ll need your health, every precious bit of it, in the incredible, amazing years ahead of us all. So don’t smoke, and don’t drink, and don’t use drugs — because the future is looking great! I close with this promise: the Smokefree society is coming one day — and it’s coming because of you.”
  • Video is divided into two parts, 20 minutes and 18 minutes, for viewing on separate class days. This allows time for class discussion, using the guide provided.
  • New award-winning TV spots, live talk, film clips, photos and graphics
  • Offers students a great anti-smoking website, for follow-up
  • Teacher’s Class Discussion Guide included
  • Click here for info on Mr. Reynolds’ live talks for schools.

Patrick Reynolds is one of today’s best known tobacco prevention educators.

An appearance on Larry King. Patrick Reynolds has campaigned in the national media for new anti-tobacco laws to limit youth access to cigarettes. Health teachers have given rave reviews of his new anti-smoking educational videos for teens and youth. According to former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, “Patrick Reynolds is one of the nation’s most influential advocates of a Tobaccofree Earth. His testimony is invaluable to our society.”Mr. Reynolds’ appearances in the media and before Congress have made him a nationally known and respected champion for a Tobaccofree Earth. In hundreds of television, radio and print interviews, he has reminded millions of people of the dangers of smoking.

He’s a grandson of tobacco company founder R.J. Reynolds, but the family’s brands, Camel and Winston, killed his father and eldest brother.

In 1986 Mr. Reynolds became the first tobacco industry figure to turn his back on the cigarette companies. Since then he has devoted his life to the anti-smoking cause, and to keeping our young people tobacco free.

His recently released video for 6th to 12th grade, The Truth About Tobacco, won rave reviews.

More about this video

Video order form

Order on

Brochure (4 pages)

Live assembly programs 
Hospitals often fully sponsor live talks

We accept purchase orders.
Please fax to (310)388-1350.

(310) 577-9828

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