What the Media Say

“Reynolds’ knowledge and insights made it easier for our audience to understand complex issues.”
CNN, Gail Evans
“He was an articulate and formidable guest.”
Good Morning America,
Susan Hester
“Patrick is informative, unique, dedicated, and effective.”
ABC Talk Radio,
Michael Jackson

“Thank you for your encore appearance on Larry King Live! It was terrific!”
Larry King Live,
Larry King
“More than 700 members of the American Cancer Society stood and cheered!”
The Miami Herald,
Don Van Natta
SC Legislature Press Conference
Patrick Reynolds has been profiled by the major media listed below. He has consistently attracted media to his speaking engagements, and provides an invaluable public relations bonus for your group. More importantly, the smokefree message will reach your entire community.
Tom Brokaw: NBC Nightly News
ABC World News
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather
CNN Headline News
The Today Show
Good Morning America
Oprah Winfrey Show
Phil Donahue Show
The Yolanda Show
Merv Griffin
Geraldo Rivera
U.S.A. Today
Associated Press
Larry King Live
MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour (PBS)
CNN Evening News
P.M. Magazine
CBS Night Watch
ABC Nightline
CBS Morning News
All Things Considered
A Current Affair
Late Night with Tom Snyder
ABC’s “Day’s End”
CBS Early Morning News
Michael Jackson Talkradio
Sonja Live
CBS Morning Program
CNN Prime News
CBS Morning Show
WOR TV “People are Talking”
WGN Radio
CNBC, America’s Talking
Ray Briem, ABC Radio
CBS Radio Network
NBC Radio Network
ABC Radio Network
AP Radio briefs
Gannett Radio
Tom Snyder
Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Scripps-Howard Wire Service
Fox News Channel
USA Today
International Herald Tribune
People Magazine
Saturday Evening Post
CBN “700 Club” (CBN)
The Star
Mother Jones
East West (Cover story)
United Press International
U.S. News and World Report
Wall Street Journal
U.S.A. Weekend Magazin
Venture Magazine
Fortune Magazine
Forbes Magazine
Financial News Network’s “Focus”
Dick Cavett (Cable NBC)
The New York Times
The New York Times Wire Service
The Chicago Tribune
The Chicago Tribune Wire Service
The Chicago Sun Times
The Los Angeles Times
The Washington Post
The Washington Post Wire Service
The Detroit Free Press
The Detroit News
The Atlanta Constitution
The Atlanta Business Journal
The San Francisco Chronicle
The San Francisco Examiner
The Miami Herald
The Miami Herald Wire Service
The Boston Globe
The Boston Globe Wire Service
Copley Newswire
The Dallas Morning News
The Houston Chronicle
The Seattle Post
The Oregonian
WGN TV, Evening News
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The Christian Science Monitor
New York Newsday
The Boston Times-Herald
The Charlotte Observer
The Raleigh News and Observer
The Richmond Times-Dispatch
The Richmond News-Leader
Minneapolis Star and Tribune
The St. Louis Post Dispatch
Arkansas Gazette
The Globe and Mail (Canada)
Canadian Wire Service
The Montreal Gazette
The Toronto Sun
Videotron Montreal
TV Ontario
The Sunday Telegraph (London)
The Sunday Times (London)
The London Times
The Globe and Mail (London)
The Daily Express (London)
The Daily Mail (London)
Der Speigel (Germany)
Bunte Magazine (Germany)
ZDF TV (Germany)
Sud TV (Germany)
AZ-Munchen (Germany)
Abenzeitung (Germany)
Bildzeitung (Germany)
Reuters Newswire
The Australian Sun Herald
Australia National Radio
De Morgan (Belgium)
La Liberation (France)
Paris Match (France)
Jours De France
Le Monde (France)
Le Figaro (France)
Agence France Presse
Yomiuri New (Tokyo)
Shinbun (Tokyo)
Hola Magazine (Spain)
Husmodern (Sweden)
Straits Times (Singapore)
Bangkok Post (Thailand)
Voice of America (VOA)
TV Asahi (Thailand)
The Bangkok Post (Thailand)
The San Diego Union
The Los Angeles Times