Letter to Corporations

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8117 W Manchester Ave Suite 500 · Playa del Rey CA 90293 · (310) 577-9828

RE: Building goodwill by sponsoring Patrick Reynolds to
speak to local youth about tobacco. A possible major event!

February 12, 2025

Dear Corporate Executive,

What follows is a unique proposal on how you can build tremendous goodwill for your company and make a real difference in your community.

Patrick Reynolds is a grandson of the tobacco company founder, R.J. Reynolds, but the family’s brands killed his father and eldest brother. So Patrick turned his  back on the cigarette industry and became a nationally known advocate for a smokefree society. His speeches before Congress and State Legislatures, his appearances on TV and radio, and his live talks to youth have made him a leader of the battle for a Tobaccofree Earth.

Sponsoring Mr. Reynolds to speak before local elementary schools, educating children about tobacco, will generate a wealth of goodwill for you. His appearance will bring the tobaccofree message to your city, and you’ll build a bridge to your community.

You’ll receive plenty of support from local Health Groups, who are often willing to schedule his talks.

Local nonprofit groups can also be enlisted to make Mr. Reynolds’ appearance into a major event, by arranging for a civic auditorium, and organizing buses to bring  two to three thousand children to hear him speak. This makes for a dramatic and spectacular occasion; he has sometimes been introduced by invited Governors, mayors or their spouses. Invitations – one to a “Camel Roast” — have gone out to schools on a county-wide and even State-wide basis.

Other sponsors are pleased to simply have him give talks at one or more local schools, during special assemblies. A speaking tour of several days is also possible.

Either way, media coverage is consistently positive and strong, and local health groups will usually volunteer their assistance to sponsors. They have been most helpful in the past by contacting schools and scheduling appearances.

Patrick Reynolds has been called powerful, inspirational and motivating. His talk makes a lasting impression, and sponsors will build a valuable bridge to their community.

Corporations often pay tens of thousands of dollars to well known figures to speak or build goodwill. Mr. Reynolds’ fees are substantially less. Please call us to discuss the cost of the speaking fee and travel, and busing in an additional 2,000 children, to make this into a high-profile community event. This might include sending invitations to schools throughout your county, and the cost of school buses and auditorium rental fees, if any.

If you would like the voluntary support of non-profit groups, such as local branches of the American Cancer Society, or the Lung or Heart Associations, they are usually very willing to help schedule Patrick Reynolds’ appearances, invite the local media, and organize school buses and a civic auditorium.

We also have developed a major proposal for building goodwill and raising awareness at the national level. Our office would produce a national tour for five actors costumed as anti-smoking cartoon camels from outer space – “Buck Dromedarian and the Deep Space Camels.” The mission assigned to them by the Grand Council of Elder Camels, back on their home planet of Dromedarius, is to warn their camel-cousins on Earth not to smoke. Before they embark, President Zovar emblazons large anti-smoking symbols on the teenage camels’ spacesuit chests, as a reminder of their mission. We have just completed development of this project, and are seeking $1 million in financing. This would cover a study confirming that children are getting the right message from our new heroes, legal and public relations
costs, animatronic costumes and a national public appearance tour for the teen camels. Revenues are projected to come from a children’s book, licensing of T-Shirts, toys, and possibly a children’s TV show. Let us know if your company would consider an investment in this promising new venture.

The complete information package on Patrick Reynolds’ talk to youth follows this letter. I hope you will decide to distribute it to others in your community who may wish to be a part of this event, and circulate it to appropriate persons in your organization.

As an alternative, a new 40-minute video of the talk is available at a cost of $250 per school. Discounts are available on larger orders.

A live appearance by Patrick Reynolds will generate tremendous local goodwill for your company, and will make a real difference in the lives of the children Mr. Reynolds speaks to. Please call me to discuss having him speak or tour in your community.

Very truly yours,
Glendene Wolf Signature

Office Manager
(310) 577-9828

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